How to Install MinIO on IBM Cloud
MinIO’s high performance, Kubernetes-native object storage suite is
built for the demands of the hybrid cloud. Software-defined, it delivers
a consistent experience across every Kubernetes environment.This tutorial will show you how to install MinIO on IBM Cloud
Before you begin
You MUST have a user ID that is a member or an owner of an IBM Cloud account. To get an IBM Cloud user ID, go to: Please register here.
Step 1: provision Kubernetes Cluster
- Click the Catalog button on the top
- Select Service from the catalog
- Search for Kubernetes Service and click on it

On the Kubernetes deployment page, you need to specify some details about the cluster
Choose a plan; standard or free. The free plan only has one worker node and no subnet. To provide a standard cluster, you will need to upgrade your account to Pay-As-You-Go
To upgrade to a Pay-As-You-Go account, please complete the following steps:
In the console,
- go to Manage > Account.
- Select Account settings, and click Add credit card.
- Enter your payment information,
- click Next, and submit your information
Choose classic or VPC, read the docs and choose the most suitable type for yourself

Now choose your location settings, for more information please visit Locations
Choose Geography (continent)

Choose Single or Multizone,
In single-zone your data is only kept on datacenter, on the other hand with Multizone it is distributed to multiple zones, thus safer in an unforeseen zone failure

If you wish to use Multizone please set up your account with VRF or enable Vlan spanning
If at your current location selection, there is no available Virtual LAN, a new Vlan will be created for you
Choose a worker node setup or use the preselected one, set worker node amount per zone

Choose Master Service Endpoint, In VRF-enabled accounts,
You can choose private-only to make your master accessible on the private network or via VPN tunnel.
Choose public-only to make your master publicly accessible. When you have a VRF-enabled account, your cluster is set up by default to use both private and public endpoints. For more information visit endpoints.

Give the cluster a name

Specify the desired tags for your cluster, for more information visit tags

Click create

Wait for your cluster to be provisioned and your cluster should be ready for use within the next few minutes.
Step 2: deploy IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in
The Block Storage plug-in is a persistent, high-performance iSCSI storage that you can add to your apps by using Kubernetes Persistent Volumes (PVs).
- Click the Catalog button on the top
- Select Software from the catalog
- Search for IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in and click on it

On the application page
- Click in the dot next to the cluster, you wish to use
- Click on Enter or Select Namespace and choose the default Namespace or use a custom one
if you get an error please wait 30 minutes for the cluster to finalize

- Give a name to this workspace
- Click install and wait for the deployment

Step 3:deploy MinIO
We will deploy MinIO on our cluster
- Click the Catalog button on the top
- Select Software from the catalog
- Search for MinIO and click on it

Please select IBM Kubernetes Service

On the application page
- Click in the dot next to the cluster, you wish to use

- Click on Enter or Select Namespace and choose the default Namespace or use a custom one

- Give a unique name to a workspace, which you can easily recognize

Select which resource group you want to use, it’s for access control and billing purposes. For more information please visit resource groups

Give tags to your MinIO, for more information visit tags

Click on Parameters with default values, You can set deployment values or use the default ones

Enter the required Parameters as shown.

Enter the hostname of your server.
- After finishing everything, tick the box next to the agreements and click install

- The MinIO workspace will start installing, wait a couple of minutes
- Your MinIO workspace has been successfully deployed
Verify MinIO installation
- Go to Resources in your browser
- Click on Clusters
- Click on your Cluster

Now you are at your clusters overview, here Click on Actions and Web terminal from the dropdown menu

Click install — wait a couple of minutes

- Click on Actions
- Click Web terminal → a terminal will open up
- Type in the terminal, please change NAMESPACE to the namespace you choose at the deployment setup:
$ kubectl get ns

$ kubectl get pod -n NAMESPACE -o wide$ kubectl get service -n NAMESPACE
Open the MinIO application web page in a browser using IP shown in above.

To login it require Access Key & Secret Key, please use below commands to get the keys
o Access Key: kubectl get secret — namespace minio minio68–941a-4a -o jsonpath=”{.data.access-key}” | base64 — decode
o Secret Key: kubectl get secret — namespace minio minio68–941a-4a -o jsonpath=”{.data.secret-key}” | base64 — decode